
Archive for November, 2009

Rename Multiple Files Efficiently Using Excel

November 19, 2009 Leave a comment

Renaming multiples files on your Windows computer is easy. Select all the files, press F2 and type some descriptive text. Windows will append a unique sequence number to each of the file names.

That’s a fairly quick solution but not very flexible because you don’t get to specify any choices or criteria.

For instance, how do you append the current date to the filename ? Or you want to replace only certain words in the file names (like a spelling error)? Or you want files to follow a different renaming system like file-A.jpg instead of the default file(1).jpg.

To rename files in bulk more efficiently, you can either learn some complex shell scripting language (SED, AWK, Perl) or switch to something more simple  – a spreadsheet.

Step 1: Type cmd and switch (using “cd” command) to the directory that contains the files you want to rename in bulk.

Step 2: Type “dir /b” to see a skeleton list of all files in the current directory. Copy that file list to the clipboard by selecting Mark from the contextual menu.

Step 3: The fun starts now. Fire your copy of Microsoft Excel or Google Docs Spreadsheets and paste those file names into the first spreadsheet column.

Step 4: In the blank adjacent column, add a corresponding Excel function – for instance, use SUBSTITUTE to change specific text in the filenames, use CONCATENATE() with DATE() if you want to add date to the filename, etc.

rename multiple files

*For more complex criteria, you may want to put the file extensions in a separate column by splitting the file name using period (.) as the delimiter.

Step 5: Your source filenames are now in column A while the Destination files are in column B – we will now convert this into a DOS rename command.

In Column C, type the following Excel formula and your command is ready to be executed.

=CONCATENATE(”ren “,A1, ” “, B1)


Copy paste the same formula across all cells in column C for which you have corresponding values in Column A or B.

We are almost done. Copy all the values from column C to the clipboard and paste them inside the DOS window or better still, put them inside a new text file and give it a name like rename.bat.

rename-batch-commandExecute and all files that match the criteria are renamed instantly

Categories: General

Error : The specified type was not recognized: name=’new_group’, namespace=’’, at .

November 11, 2009 1 comment

This morning i got frustrated with error message "The specified type was not recognized: name=’Name_customentity’, namespace=’;, at <BusinessEntity xmlns=’’&gt;." When try to use QueryByAttribute to retrieve Custom entity. The query i was trying to excute is as follows

QueryByAttribute query = new QueryByAttribute();

query.EntityName =


query.ColumnSet =

new ColumnSet();

query.Attributes =

new string[] { "new_AttributeName" };

query.Values =

new string[] { "4041" };

BusinessEntityCollection resultGroup = Instance().RetrieveMultiple(query);

The issue with above code is that , when you try to use querybyattribute with RetriveMultiple Method , the CRM tries to find strongly typed class of custom entity

as i was not using web reference the strong typed class wont exists .Thats the reason it was throwing error.

The solution for this issue is very simple , just create RetrieveMultipleRequest and set ReturnDynamicEntities = true

RetrieveMultipleRequest request = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();

request.ReturnDynamicEntities =


request.Query = query;


Categories: MS CRM 4.0

Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook cannot be installed on a computer where Microsoft Exchange Server versions prior to Exchange Server 2007 are installed

November 3, 2009 Leave a comment

Today one of our client reported that when they are trying to install outlook client for MS CRM 4.0 showing an error message "Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook cannot be installed on a computer where Microsoft Exchange Server versions prior to Exchange Server 2007 are installed".
The issue is the CRM 4.0 checks for the exchange server version before installing the outlook client.In this checks if it finds exchange serv3er 2003 with out  sp2 it wont allow to install.The work around to fix this issue is  as follows
1.Backup registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftExchangeSetup key
2.Install outlookclient
3.Restore the registry key
Categories: MS CRM 4.0