Home > MS CRM 4.0 > Caller does not have enough privilege to set CallerOriginToken to the specified value

Caller does not have enough privilege to set CallerOriginToken to the specified value

Today we had big time with MS CRM installation as after installing the CRM, none of the system jobs was successful.When we checked the log it shows "Caller does not have enough privilege to set CallerOriginToken to the specified value".

Looking at the CRM Asynchronous Service, I could see that it was running under the correct domain account (CRM Admin), however I discovered that this account needs to belong to a specific group in AD also (PrivUserGroup), so I then performed the following steps…

1. Open Active Directory and Computers (dsa.msc)
2. Find your PrivUserGroup
3. Open group and add your domain account running your CRM services
4. Run iisreset on CRM server.
5. Restart CRM Asynchronous Service.

It fixed the issue

Categories: MS CRM 4.0
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